Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To copy a friend's style, here are some lyrics

I'm no king, I wear no crown. But desperate times seem over now. Yet I weaken, somehow; and it tears me apart.

I've broken a few rules for this person, and so far I have the opposite of regret about it, which I can't find the word for right now... optimism? jubilation? Who knows. But I think it's interesting either way, because no matter what happens this experience has taught me something. You will never learn anything new about other people, or yourself, unless you have the confidence to step outside what you find safe, no matter how logically you think you have considered all the options and all the outcomes and all the eventualities.

Hey! Nothing like self-centered pining and contrived emotion for a college kid, right? Well ok, lets put it another way: based in utilitarian principles of seeking the greatest amount of happiness, and perhaps the Epicurean conception of happiness consisting of not being fucking hurt and simply free from pain, it appears to make sense to follow your rules about no long-distance relationships, the benefits of one night stands, etc. Yet somehow, this doesn't account for various types, or intensity of pleasures and happiness. There are entire kinds of happiness that could be engaged in the world, just by those who are more willing to release themselves from their principles.

Like Hume said, emotion is the only true motivating factor when it comes to our decision making. So then shouldn't it also be the prime factor when looking at fellow human beings?

Basically I'm saying this is something new, and that's what the lyrics are for. Things will go wrong, and I will be anxious, and all my old trains of thought will no doubt tear me up, but things will move along. And hopefully take me with them.

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